Since President Barack Hussein Obama refuses to produce a birth certificate to shatter once and for all the growing hopes that he is not a citizen of the United States, and thus violating the Constitution in yet another way, he can technically make his name be anything he wants it to be. In that spirit, let us name him appropriately. Hell, we can add on as many last names as we want, as far as I see it, because we don’t really know what his name is. So I hear by declare his name to be Barack Hussein Marx Chaves Nifong Chamberlain Fonda Obama, which I believe is quite fitting. The great thing is we can always add more names on as needed.
As Barack Hussein Marx Chaves Nifong Chamberlain Fonda Obama loves to go around the world apologizing for America, I have compiled a list of people that he actually needs to apologize to. First, President Barack Hussein Marx Chaves Nifong Chamberlain Fonda Obama should apologize to all police officers and law enforcement personnel for making their already tough job even harder, calling the Cambridge Police stupid without admittedly knowing the facts of the case. For the President of the United States to even weigh in on what is a local issue and then take a side without knowing what happened - it is more than irresponsible - it is downright criminal. By doing so, he has reinforced the attitude of many criminals that cops are corrupt, racist thugs. His actions are disgusting and despicable. He should apologize.
Second, Barack Hussein Marx Chaves Nifong Chamberlain Fonda Obama should apologize to all service men and women who are fighting for our freedom. He recently stated that victory is not his objective in Afghanistan. Well Mr. President, I can guaran-damn-tee you victory is the objective of every single soldier, airman, sailor and Marine in harms’ way. If victory isn’t the objective, then why are we over there? Not only should you apologize to the troops, you should apologize to the wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, children, and siblings of all who have gave the ultimate sacrifice fighting to achieve victory over groups like Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. I do not know if you realize this or not Mr. President, but there can be no peace or security without victory. It isn’t like Al Qaeda and the Taliban have a collective bargaining agreement and will go on strike on a predetermined date if their contract isn’t renewed with certain concessions from Allah, such as a guaranteed pension and health benefits. It’s not like they are all going to retire in 2012. Any Commander in Chief who states that victory is not his objective in a military operation should be impeached. You should apologize.
Third, President Barack Hussein Marx Chaves Nifong Chamberlain Fonda Obama should apologize to the 47% of Americans who did not vote for him, who did not want his “hope and change.” He certainly has not even given their concerns a passing thought as he has rammed through the Porkulous Bill, and is trying to ram a health care take over and cap and tax initiative which will devastate the U.S. economy. Less you have forgotten, Mr. President, you are the President of all Americans, both those who voted for you and those who did not. Your arrogant attitude that your narrow, ACORN aided victory gives you carte blanche to do whatever you please, the people be damned, is far from presidential. Rather, it is reminiscent of every dictator and totalitarian that has walked the planet. You should apologize.
Fourth, President Barack Hussein Marx Chaves Nifong Chamberlain Fonda Obama should appologize to the nation's doctors, who dedicate their lives to saving and improving the life and health of others, for accusing them of unnecessarily removing organs of children for profit. Mr. President, evertime I think you can't stoop any lower, I am unpleasantly surprised the next time you open your mouth. Do us all a favor, Sir, and let that bumbling idiot of a press secretary do all the talking from now on. Heck, even Vice President Biden's perpetual foot diet would be a welcome relief to having to listen to the whining, complaining, demonizing, and false rhetoric spewed forth from your mouth every day. You should apologize.
Barely seven months have gone by in your administration and you have succeeded in apologizing to everyone but those who truly deserve an apology from you. I haven’t even mentioned the Founding Fathers and every American who has worked to make this nation what it is today, the greatest nation on earth, the nation that you want to change. You better get busy Mr. President. You’ve got a lot of apologizing left to do.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
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