There is something exceptional about the individuals that America produces. This should come as no surprise as America is an exceptional nation. One such individual was Admiral David G. Farragut, USN. On April 5, 1864, Farragut led his ships into Mobile Bay, the Confederacy's last major open port on the Gulf of Mexico. The bay was heavily mined (water mines were known as "torpedoes" then). Nevertheless, Farragut ordered his fleet to charge the bay. When the USS Tecumseh struck a mine and sank, the others began to pull back. From high atop his perch on the flagship, USS Hartford, Farragut could see the scene beginning to unfold. "What's the trouble?" he shouted to his men. "Torpedoes!" was the reply. "Damn the torpedoes!" barked Farragut, "Full speed ahead!" The rest is history.
I tell this story to give some background and context to the title of this blog, "Damning Torpedoes." Throughout America's history, American men and women have stood up to obstacles and challenges facing them, and they have triumphed. Not because they depended on others, but because they were driven by a self reliant and independent spirit. Today, as government and the population’s reliance and dependence upon government grow, there are fewer and fewer people who stand up and damn the torpedoes. My goal for this blog is to inspire as many people as I can to become torpedo damners. America is great because of the people in her history who make it a daily habit of damning torpedoes, the backbone, the heart and soul of America. If she is to continue to be a great nation, her fading spirit of independence, entrepreneurialism, responsibility, and self reliance must be re-awakened. Together my friends, we shall do just that.
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