The other day Obama declared that, "We could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and -- and -- and getting regular tune-ups, you can actually save just as much."

Change your tires?! This is what Obama has come up with to solve gas prices! This is actually an official policy of the presumed Democrat candidate for President of the United States!
Well... come to think of it most liberal policies come off as not having a lot of thought put into them. For example, they care about the poor (who doesn't). So they tax the rich, putting both large and small businesses in the position of having to lay off people in order to pay the increased taxes, thus hurting the poor the most. They care about animals, especially endangered ones (who doesn't?). So they pass laws which make it illegal for a land owner to use his land if an endangered species is discovered there. Landowners then make the land inhospitable to said species, sometimes even going so far as to kill one should he see it, in order to keep spotted woodpecker out, so as to prevent the feds from kicking him off of his land. Thus, these laws hurt the endangered animals the most.
I could go on for hours. My point is, conservatism requires the application of logic and thought, while liberalism runs on emotion and feelings. Liberalism measures compassion by how many people they can put on welfare. Conservatism measures compassion by how many people no longer need it.
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