I, for one, am getting sick of these gutless wonders, the so called moderates, in the Republican Party. They were the ones who designed and ran a campaign that was destined to fail by trying to out-democrat the Democrats. And now, these spineless, hopeless, pieces of human garbage are out there trying to destroy Sarah Palin, the one person who brought energy, enthusiasm, and an actual chance of winning to this campaign. They are trying to destroy Sarah Palin because they are threatened by her and what she stands for. These architects of defeat are doing everything they can to keep their jobs, Palin, Conservatism, and the Republican Party be damned, by blaming anyone but themselves. For crying out loud! At least grow a set and appear before the cameras, instead of leaking falsities to the press! Like a bunch of Grima Wormtongues, they sulk in shadowy corners, their dark hearts filled with deceit, their treasonous eyes betraying what their venomous mouths do not.
They saw the huge crowds she drew during the campaign. They witnessed the excitement she stirred up. They are scared. A recent Rasmussen poll shows that 91% of Republicans have a favorable view of Gov. Palin. If the 2012 primaries were held today, she would have a 52 point lead over anyone. They are scared of Sarah and they are scared of the sleeping giant she has awoken. I sense a Palin Revolution in the air. After all, history tends to repeat itself. The ineptitude and terrible policies of Jimmy Carter lead to two Reagan landslides, ushering in an era of peace and prosperity. If we were to compare Obama to anyone, besides Karl Marx of course, it would be Carter. Like Sarah Connor in "The Terminator", Sarah Palin will give birth to a new movement. Conservatism isn't going away, folks, because it works every time it is tried. Real change wears lipstick. Palin in 2012? You Betcha
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